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Disordered eating impacts one in five youth worldwide

Identifying the magnitude of disordered eating and its distribution in at-risk populations is crucial for planning and executing actions aimed at preventing, detecting, and dealing with them.

Surge in nitrous oxide abuse: New guidelines to help clinicians recognize cases and prevent spinal cord damage from resulting Vitamin B12 deficiency

Recreational use of nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas) can lead to subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord, a condition that can cause serious and permanent disability in young people.

New year health kick losing momentum? Scientists find key to curb the cravings

"The interesting thing we found is that food cravings are much higher for instantly edible foods compared to foods that needed to be cooked, chopped or peeled, or even unwrapped."

Quick and easy ready meals not the best for us—or the planet

"Emissions are nearly 40% higher for animal-based ready meals than equivalent home-cooked meals. Plant-based ready meals and equivalent home-cooked meals had comparable greenhouse gas emissions."

Study suggests fructose could drive Alzheimer's disease

"We make the case that Alzheimer's disease is driven by diet"

New study may help to explain smell challenges in individuals with autism

New research could help explain how the sense of smell is impacted in individuals with autism.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is associated with distinct changes in the microbiome

ME/CFS is associated with reduced levels in the gastrointestinal microbiome of microbes known to produce the fatty acid butyrate. These microbiome disruptions could explain in part how the immune system becomes disrupted in people with ME/CFS.

Could vitamin D help ward off suicide?

In a study of 1 million U.S. veterans, those prescribed vitamin D were nearly 50% less likely to attempt suicide over eight years, versus those who were not prescribed the supplements.

Youth binge drinking linked to gut microbiome changes

"This study demonstrates that the most common pattern of alcohol misuse during early adulthood is linked with gut microbiome alterations, even before an addiction develops. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of the gut microbiome in regulating craving, social cognition and emotional functioning."

Autism tied to higher risk for developing cardiometabolic disease

Study results suggest that having autism may be associated with a higher risk of developing diabetes, dyslipidemia, and heart disease.

Offspring obesity: review stresses “urgent need” to address maternal vitamin D deficiencies

“These results indicate that the effect of vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy on the development of adipose tissue in offspring may be potentially long-term and may eventually make offspring predisposed to obesity more easily,”

Magnesium: what you need to know about this important micronutrient

Left unchecked, a magnesium deficiency is associated with an increased risk of certain chronic illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, migraine and Alzheimer’s disease.

FAB WEBINAR - Selective or 'fussy' eating - a masterclass: Avoiding mealtime meltdowns, and motivating healthier food choices

David Rex, RD, and Dr Alex Richardson discuss the latest evidence-based research into what shapes children’s food preferences – with a focus on the areas of selective (‘fussy’ or ‘picky’) eating, and Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID).

Hydration, and Low fat vs Low carb diets? Learning more about the endocrine system could lead to fewer cases of type 2 diabetes and obesity

How much water do we need to drink to stay healthy? How do different diets affect our metabolism? Studies of various hormones in the body are providing diabetes researchers with new answers to these questions.

Healthy lifestyle linked to slower memory decline in older adults

Even for carriers of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene—the strongest known risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and related dementias—a healthy lifestyle was found to slow memory loss.

Study shows impact of vitamin D, thyroid hormones on child development

"The study found multiple associations between umbilical cord essential and toxic elements, thyroid levels and Vitamin D on childhood development for a pronounced time after birth."

Mother's health, diet during pregnancy may impact child's later neurodevelopment

An overall good quality of diet and higher fish consumption during pregnancy may result in more favourable cognitive and language skills when the child is 2-year-old.

Are plant-based meats really better for us than the real thing?

Solely relying on meat alternatives as a direct replacement for meat could lead to iron, zinc and B12 deficiencies over time if you are not boosting your intake of these essential nutrients from other sources or taking supplements

The role of omega-3 and omega-6 metabolites during pregnancy

Normal pregnancy relies on inflammation for implantation, placentation, and parturition, but uncontrolled inflammation can lead to poor maternal and infant outcomes. Maternal diet is one modifiable factor that can impact inflammation

Colds, flu and COVID: How diet and lifestyle can boost your immune system

There are many things we can do to support our immune system and even improve its function. Simple changes to your diet and lifestyle can all play a big role in helping you avoid getting sick.