Food and Behaviour Research

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Children's diet and mental health - news

New study says obese and overweight children at risk of iron deficiency
Nutritional epigenetics education reduces ultra-processed food intake in parents of children with autism and ADHD
Clues to autism's causes may lie in the gut
Study reveals relationship of gut microbiome on children's brain development and function
Follow-up study finds supplementing preterm infants with DHA has no effect on behavioural development
Researchers find link between plastic additive and autism, ADHD
Anaemia afflicts nearly 1 in 4 people worldwide, but there are practical strategies for reducing it
Study demonstrates adding complex component of milk to infant formula confers long-term cognitive benefits
FAB WEBINAR - Feeding Humanity: The Key Role of Nutrition in the Mental Health Crisis
YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS! - The Food Programme - Feeding Your Brain: A Users Guide
Low fibre intake during pregnancy may delay development in infants' brains
Australia's health care system must change to address 'rising tide' of youth mental ill health, say psychiatrists
Professor warns of micronutrient deficiency risks in sustainable diets
The Three Channels of Gut-Brain Communication
New research clarifies connection between autism and the microbiome
Dietary Interventions for ADHD: Emerging Research and Considerations
Can we train our taste buds for health? A neuroscientist explains how genes and diet shape taste
That salad isn’t just good for your nutrition–it may help stave off depression
Critical Brain Nutrients: Evidence that Current Dietary Advice Harms Mental Health – and Potential Solutions
A larger dose of vitamin D may decrease psychiatric symptoms at school age
Higher rates of autism and ADHD in American children may reflect poor diet and toxic exposures
Study finds 'concerning' links between BMI and children's brain health
Is there an association between the consumption of ultra-processed food and adverse microbiota-gut-brain axis implications?
Switching meat and milk for plant-based copies misses vital nutrients
Father's alcohol consumption before conception linked to brain and facial defects in offspring
FAB WEBINAR - How Food Affects Your Brain: The Role of Nutrition and Diet in the Mental Health Crisis
Improved health during pregnancy - for mothers and their babies - linked with taxing sugary drinks
Seaweed, sardines and sauerkraut: the best diet for your brain at every stage of life
Maternal obesity can affect foetal development
How diet affects a child's mental health
New study may help to explain smell challenges in individuals with autism
Study shows impact of vitamin D, thyroid hormones on child development
Are plant-based meats really better for us than the real thing?
Webinar - Smarter Food, Smarter Kids - Resolving the Attention Deficit Disaster
Omega-3 fatty acid could boost IQ for preterm babies
Pine Bark extract may help manage ADHD for children: Study
Low-calorie sugar substitute consumption during adolescence appears to impair memory later in life
Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and in Particular DHA, Are Associated With Increased Attention Scores in Adolescents
Pregnant women with obesity and diabetes may be more likely to have a child with ADHD
Study calls for change in guidance about eating fish during pregnancy
Origins of Health - How Important Is Iron for the Developing Brain?
Food for thought: nutrition as a treatment for mental health conditions
FAB Research Webinar - Nutrition for ADHD and Neurodiverse Minds
Plant-based milk products: what you need to know before making the switch
Choline makes a key nutrient available for baby development
Maternal consumption of soft drinks may be linked to ADHD symptoms in offspring
How does excess sugar affect the developing brain throughout childhood and adolescence?
'Few-foods' diet could be recipe for easing ADHD symptoms
Maternal intake of choline during pregnancy impacts children's sustained attention
Junk food and the brain: How modern diets lacking in micronutrients may contribute to angry rhetoric