Food and Behaviour Research

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Ultra-Processed Foods and addiction - News

Young children drinking daily caffeinated soda found more likely to try alcohol within a year
Consumption of Ultra Processed Food and Mental Wellbeing Outcomes
Critical Brain Nutrients: Evidence that Current Dietary Advice Harms Mental Health – and Potential Solutions
FAB WEBINAR - How Food Affects Your Brain: The Role of Nutrition and Diet in the Mental Health Crisis
Highly processed foods can be considered addictive like tobacco products, study claims
Counting cravings for coffee and soft drinks
FAB Research Webinar - Nutrition for ADHD and Neurodiverse Minds
A taste for sweet – an anthropologist explains the evolutionary origins of why you're programmed to love sugar
Foods high in added fats and refined carbs are like cigarettes – addictive and unhealthy
Sugar: why some people experience side-effects when they quit
Sugar overload may be a recipe for long-term problems
Unhealthy Foods Aren’t Just Bad For You, They May Also Be Addictive
High fructose intake may drive aggressive behaviors, ADHD and bipolar disorder
Researchers find a western-style diet can impair brain function
Sugar changes the chemistry of your brain
Evidence of behavioral, biological similarities between compulsive overeating and addiction
Almost a third of Scots are now obese – and at risk of more cancers than smokers
Sugar's sick secrets: How industry forces have manipulated science to downplay the harm
Quitting junk food produces similar withdrawal-type symptoms as drug addiction
Neuroscience News - How the Brain Controls Food Cravings
Foods combining fats and carbohydrates more rewarding than foods with just fats or carbs
Sugar in the diet may increase risks of opioid addiction
5 January 2017 - The Guardian - Is sugar the world's most popular drug?
Robert Lustig: the man who believes sugar is poison
13 March 2015 - EurekAlert - Energy drinks raise resting blood pressure
Want pizza, chocolate, French fries? Highly processed foods linked to addictive eating
18 Feb 2015 - The Conversation - Here’s what happens to your brain when you give up sugar for Lent
02 August 2014 - Conference notes - FAB Research conference: Sugar, fat, food and addiction: New approaches to the public health crisis
Does food addiction exist? Research finds food addicts lacking psychological inhibition
Sleep Deprivation Linked To Junk Food Cravings
BBC News - Tax fizzy drinks and ban junk food ads, say doctors
15 Jan 2013 - BMJ - Science Souring on Sugar
BBC News - How we became addicted to sugar
30 Jan 2008 - Associate Parliamentary Food and Health Forum Report on the links between diet, mental health and behaviour
BBC Website - Are we emotionally what we eat?