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1 November 2018 - Science Daily - Hot brew coffee has higher levels of antioxidants than cold brew

Comparing the properties of cold- and hot-brew coffee, researchers found similar acidity in both, but higher antioxidant levels in hot coffee.

Omega-3 DHA in Phospholipid Form May Bypass Faulty Brain Transport in Alzheimer's Disease

A recent review suggests that a phospholipid form of omega-3 in fish and fish roe may reduce Alzheimer's disease risk in APOE4 carriers.

25 October 2018 - Nutraingredients - Study unlocks potential anti-inflammatory action of ETA omega-3

EPA and DHA omega-3 are well known, but what about ETA? A new study from Canada indicates that ETA (eicosatetraenoic acid, 20:4) may convert into two novel compounds associated with inflammation management.

29 October 2018 - MedicalXpress - Breast milk, formula nurture similarities, differences in gut microbes

A new study finds that while formula and breast milk encourage the growth of similar kinds of bacteria in babies' digestive tracts, the bacteria work differently. The health implications of these differences are as yet unclear.

Studies raise questions over how epigenetic information is inherited

Evidence has been building in recent years that our diet, our habits or traumatic experiences can have consequences for the health of our children -- and even our grandchildren. The explanation that has gained most currency for how this occurs is so-called 'epigenetic inheritance' - patterns of chemical 'marks' on or around our DNA that are hypothesized to be passed down the generations. New research suggests this mechanism of non-genetic inheritance is likely to be very rare.

29 October 2018 - Nutraingredients - Big data insights driving funding for EU microbiome research - MyNewGut Project

The number of health-related microbiome projects has almost doubled in the last three years, with EU funding almost twice that of non-health related gut research. "Personalised nutrition" is one of the endgames.

29 October 2018 - Futurity - Good Cholesterol May Cut Women's Dementia Risk

Two recent studies shed light on which women are most at risk of developing dementia, and how we can prevent or delay the disease early.

Three distinct stages in infant microbiome development identified

Researchers explored the sequence of microbial colonization in the infant gut through age 4 and found distinct stages of development in the microbiome that were associated with early life exposures.

24 October 2018 - Science Daily - Importance of infant diet in establishing a healthy gut

A child has until the age of two-and-a-half to establish healthy gut bacteria - with little change after this point, new research has revealed.

19 October 2018 - MedicalXpress - Adding refined fiber to processed food could have negative health effects

Adding highly refined fiber to processed foods could have negative effects on human health, such as promoting liver cancer, according to a new study.

19 October 2018 - MedicalXpress - Eating leafy greens could help prevent macular degeneration

A new study has shown that eating vegetable nitrates, found mainly in green leafy vegetables and beetroot, could help reduce your risk of developing early-stage age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

19 October 2018 - Futurity - This part of the brain may shape our food choices

Researchers have discovered a brain region strongly connected to food preference decisions that help us select what to heap on our plates at potluck dinners or holiday buffets.

18 October 2018 - MedicalXpress - Children with autism, developmental delays nearly 50 percent more likely to be overweight, obese

A new study reveals that children with developmental delays, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), are up to 50 percent more likely to be overweight or obese compared with the general population.

Omega 3 fatty acids found in seafood linked to healthy aging

Higher blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids found in seafood are associated with a higher likelihood of healthy ageing among older adults, new study finds.

18 October 2018 - MedicalXpress - Kids health outcomes have more to do with parents level of education than income

Parents educated beyond high school invest more in family health care, reducing the likelihood of adverse medical conditions despite differences in family income and health insurance, according to a recent study.

16 October 2018 - MedicalXpress - Adequate consumption of 'longevity' vitamins could prolong healthy aging, nutrition scientist says

A detailed new review of nutritional science argues that most American diets are deficient in a key class of vitamins and minerals that play previously unrecognized roles in promoting longevity and in staving off chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and, potentially, neurodegeneration.

16 October 2018 - MedicalXpress - Father's nicotine use can cause cognitive problems in children and grandchildren

A father's exposure to nicotine may cause cognitive deficits in his children and even grandchildren, according to a study in mice. The effect, which was not caused by direct secondhand exposure, may be due to epigenetic changes in key genes in the father's sperm.

16 October 2018 - Nutraingredients - Danone study outlines possible mechanisms behind gut-brain axis in infants

The mechanisms behind the gut-brain axis in infants should be further explored and better understood, so possible nutritional interventions can be explored to support healthy brain development, according to a Danone-led study.

15 October 2018 - MedicalXpress - Some heartburn treatments depress body iron levels, study finds

Research shows for the first time that proton pump inhibitors, (a class of acid suppressants widely prescribed for heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease and peptic ulcers), are associated with iron deficiency.

Food for thought: the smart way to better brain health

The human brain is made of food, so what we eat and drink affects our ability to keep a healthy, alert and active mind.