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21 February 2018 - Science Daily - Securing a child's future needs to start during parents' teen years

A child's growth and development is affected by the health and lifestyles of their parents before pregnancy -- even going back to adolescence -- according to a new paper.

19 February 2018 - MedicalXpress - Calcium may play a role in the development of Parkinson's disease

Researchers have found that excess levels of calcium in brain cells may lead to the formation of toxic clusters that are the hallmark of Parkinson's disease.

14 February 2018 - Nutraingredients - Western diet linked to increased risk of mental health problems for teenagers

Researchers in Tasmania say they have found evidence of a biological link between diet and depression, via a study that analysed associations between diet, BMI, inflammatory markers, and mental health in adolescents.

13 February 2018 - Science Daily - Palm oil in your Valentine's chocolate? Beware

A diet rich in saturated fat and sugar not only leads to obesity, it creates inflammation in the nucleus accumbens, a part of the brain that controls mood and the feeling of reward. And this inflammation can lead to depressive, anxious and compulsive behavior and disrupt metabolism,according to a new study.

Pregnant women deficient in vitamin D may give birth to obese children

Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women could pre-program babies to grow into obese children and adults, according to a Keck School of Medicine of USC-led study.

12 February 2018 - The Guardian - It's not just in the genes: the foods that can help and harm your brain

Our diet has a huge effect on our brain and our mental wellbeing, even protecting against dementia. So, what should be on the menu?

09 Feb 2018 - Nutritank - Why is nutrition in medical education so important?

“Even as a GP with many years’ experience, I still feel uncomfortable about talking to patients about nutrition. It can be confusing which sources of information to trust”

9 February 2018 - MedicalXpress - Prenatal, early life fructose intake associated with asthma

Maternal prenatal and early childhood intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and fructose is associated with current asthma in mid-childhood, regardless of adiposity, according to a study published in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society.

Preventing ADHD in Pregnancy?

Could screening and management of lipid profiles during pregnancy help prevent ADHD? Findings from a large, multicentre team associated with Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore seem to suggest so.

8 February 2018 - Science Daily - Blood sodium levels may affect cognition in older adults

In generally healthy older men, slightly lower sodium levels in the blood were related to both cognitive impairment and declines in cognitive function over time. Additional studies are needed to determine whether correction of lower serum sodium may influence cognition in older adults.

Questioning Answers - More evidence for the 'anti-aggression' effect of fish oils?

"In conclusion, this experiment indicates that Omega-3 administration has beneficial effects in reducing aggression among the general population."

Mouse study reveals what happens in the gut after too much fructose

Princeton University researchers report that in mice, fructose, a sugar found in fruit, is processed mainly in the small intestine, not in the liver as had previously been suspected.

6 February 2018 - Nutraingredients - Manipulating gut with probiotics helps restore cognitive function in mice on high-fat diet: Thai study

The consumption of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics can improve cognitive function in obese and insulin-resistant individuals by manipulating the gut, say researchers in Thailand.

30 January 2018 - Eurekalert - Upper limit for intake of folate is invalid: government urged to fortify flour with folic acid

There is no need for an upper limit of folate intake, according to a study by Queen Mary University of London and the School of Advanced Study, University of London.

4 February 2018 - Futurity - Obesity may make ignoring ‘food cues’ even harder

In this study, obesity-prone and obesity-resistant rats give a basic-science model to understand the neural and psychological differences that drive overeating.

31 January 2018 - MedicalXpress - Prenatal famine drives DNA methylation and adult health six decades later

DNA methylation, known to enable the activity of genes and be involved in development and metabolism, plays a key role in the link between prenatal famine exposure and body mass index and adult metabolic health, according to researchers.

31 January 2018 - The Conversation - Low carb, Paleo or fasting – which diet is best?

Which diet is the most effective for sustained weight loss – not to mention good health?

30 January 2018 - MedicalXpress - How to eat well for a healthy brain in later life

A new international report gives the clearest evidence to date on the impact of diet on brain health in older adults.

Traditional Japanese diet components may improve mental health: Population study

Rice consumption may have a positive impact on mental health, with other foods central to the traditional Japanese diet acting as mediators, according to researchers in Japan.

Vitamin D supplements could ease painful IBS symptoms

Vitamin D supplements could help to ease painful Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms, a new study from the University of Sheffield has found.