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10 June 2015 - Nutraingredients - Fermented food intake linked to fewer anxiety symptoms: Study

Increased intakes of fermented foods may be associated with fewer symptoms of social anxiety, particularly for people at higher genetic risk, says a new study.

10 June 2015 - MNT - GI content of diet may influence autism symptoms

Dietary glycemic index is often monitored closely by people with diabetes, but could it be relevant in other areas of health? A new mouse study suggests that dietary glycemic index could have a significant impact on autism spectrum disorder symptoms.

01 Jun 2015 - Eye Nutrition Meeting in Barcelona - Beyond AREDS

Was the AREDS2 report the end of the story for nutritional supplements for AMD prevention? Not according to the recent Eye Nutrition Meeting in Barcelona.

27 May 2015 - Eurekalert - 'Do' is better than 'don't' when it comes to eating better

Focus on the Broccoli Benefits rather than the Hamburger Harms

Pregnant women lack guidance on iodine intake levels

Pregnant women are not getting enough information about the need to include iodine in their diets, despite high awareness of general advice for pregnancy nutrition.

21 May 2015 - Huffpost - Mindful Eating, ADHD and Nutrition

The words attention deficit are so strongly associated with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), many people overlook other far-reaching consequences of the disorder. Among them are poor eating habits, eating disorders, and a higher-than-average risk of becoming overweight as a result of having ADHD.

21 May 2015 - ScienceDaily - Obese teens' brains unusually susceptible to food commercials, study finds

TV food commercials disproportionately stimulate the brains of overweight teenagers, including the regions that control pleasure, taste and - most surprisingly - the mouth, suggesting they mentally simulate unhealthy eating habits that make it difficult to lose weight later in life.

20 May 2015 - Medical Daily - Skipping Meals Promotes Belly Fat Storage, Increases Risk For Insulin Resistance

Anyone looking to lose weight knows they have to restrict the amount of calories they consume, but how much and when they restrict those calories can make all the difference.

Omega-3 fatty acids enhance cognitive flexibility in at-risk older adults

A study of older adults at risk of late-onset Alzheimer's disease found that those who consumed more omega-3 fatty acids did better than their peers on tests of cognitive flexibility -- the ability to efficiently switch between tasks -- and had a bigger anterior cingulate cortex, a brain region known to contribute to cognitive flexibility.

20 May 2015 - The Conversation - How eating different brands of the same food could be encouraging you to eat more

Since the 1970s, the number of new food products available to consumers in developed countries has increased dramatically. For any one type of food, there are often many different brands and varieties, from diet or “lite” versions through to indulgent “luxury” brands. Some of these products contain low-calorie sweeteners and fat substitutes, which means that within a single food category, calorie content can vary considerably.

18 May 2015 - MedicalXpress - Orange juice could help improve brain function in elderly people

This study is thought to be one of the first to show that regularly consuming orange juice flavanones could have a positive effect on older people's cognition.

BBC News - Why an iron fish can make you stronger

When Canadian science graduate Christopher Charles visited Cambodia six years ago he discovered that anaemia was a huge public health problem.

13 May 2015 - ScienceDaily - The infant gut microbiome: New studies on its origins and how it's knocked out of balance

A fecal sample analysis of 98 Swedish infants over the first year of life found a connection between the development of a child's gut microbiome and the way he or she is delivered. Babies born via C-section had gut bacteria that showed significantly less resemblance to their mothers compared to those that were delivered vaginally.

11 May 2015 - BBC Radio 4 - Gut microbes important for dietary health

Modern diets of highly processed and limited varieties of ingredients – in particular fast foods – are thought to be killing off some species of gut bacteria that keep us healthy.

Omega-3 may help depression caused by certain types of inflammation

The omega-3 fatty acid EPA (eicosapentataenoic acid) appears to boost mood in a subgroup of patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) who have high inflammation levels, researchers found in a study published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry,

Researchers examine how the brain and body respond to glucose and fructose

The results suggest that consuming fructose relative to glucose activates brain reward regions and may promote feeding behavior.

04 May 2015 - Eurekalert - Nanoparticles in consumer products can significantly alter normal gut microbiome

Exposure of a model human colon to metal oxide nanoparticles, at levels that could be present in foods, consumer goods, or treated drinking water, led to multiple, measurable differences in the normal microbial community that inhabits the human gut.

Stressed Out Kids More Likely To Overeat; How Parents Train Their Kids In Emotional Eating

A new study, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, reveals a new link between a child’s stress and the amount of food they eat. Researchers believe this could be the groundwork for a new generation of emotional eaters.

30 April 2015 - ScienceDaily - Substantial benefits for health, environment through realistic changes to UK diets

Making a series of relatively minor and realistic changes to UK diets would not only reduce UK diet-related greenhouse gas emissions by nearly a fifth, but could also extend average life expectancy by eight months, according to new research.

Organic and long-life milk 'risk to children's IQ', new study

University of Reading scientists found that milk certified as 'organic', as well as conventional long-life milk treated at ultra-high temperatures (UHT), was a third lower in iodine than conventionally-produced fresh milk.