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03 March 2015 - MNT - Eating nuts linked to 20% cut in death rates

Even the epidemiologists doing the research found the pun irresistible: good health costs peanuts. For what they describe as a relatively affordable benefit, their study has found that a diet high in nuts is linked to lower mortality - associated with death rates cut by as much as a fifth.

03 March 2015 - Shape - USDA Considers Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Depression

Physical health can boost your mood, but foods like salmon could give your brain a boost too, suggests the USDA

02 March 2015 - MedicalXpress - Soft drink tax could improve health of the nation

An excise tax on sugar-sweetened drinks would be an effective way to improve the health of heavy consumers, new research shows.

28 February 2015 - EurekAlert - Psychology of food choice: Challenging the status quo

Researchers are challenging conventional beliefs about the effectiveness of traditional strategies for encouraging healthy eating. The symposium, "Challenging Misconceptions About the Psychology of Food Choice," includes four presentations that tackle issues such as the harmfulness of weight-stigma, encouraging healthy choices, and strategies to help children and teens.

27 February 2015 - NZ Herald - Music, dance, diet key to slowing down dementia - study

Holistic approach could delay progression of degenerative brain disease, says professor

26 February 2015 - MNT - ADHD 'doubles the risk of early death'

Having a diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder increases the risk of death and reduces overall life-expectancy, a large study published in The Lancet shows. It finds that people with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder have a more than doubled risk of premature death - and that accidents are the most common cause.

Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D may control brain serotonin

In a new paper serotonin is explained as the possible missing link tying together why vitamin D and marine omega-3 fatty acids might ameliorate the symptoms associated with a broad array of brain disorders.

26 February 2015 - BBC News - Energy drinks 'should be banned' for under-16s

Energy drinks should be banned for children under 16, the campaign and research group Action on Sugar says.

26 February 2015 - Foodnavigator - UK sugar industry sales drop by 14%

Sales dropped to £298m (€338m) in 2014 and coincided with findings that nearly half of British consumers had shied away from sugar that year.

Widely used food additive promotes colitis, obesity and metabolic syndrome, research shows

Emulsifiers, which are added to most processed foods to aid texture and extend shelf life, can alter the gut microbiota composition and localization to induce intestinal inflammation that promotes the development of inflammatory bowel disease and metabolic syndrome, new research shows.

Diet May Be As Important To Mental Health As It Is To Physical Health

We know that food affects the body -- but could it just as powerfully impact the mind?

24 February 2015 - EurekAlert - Too many food choices exacerbate the battle against obesity, researchers find

Nurture, not nature, could be a larger issue when dealing with the obesity epidemic.

24 February 2015 - The Conversation - Here’s a better alternative to food banks – subsidised national kitchens

We live in a time of overabundant food production. Despite this, almost a billion people go hungry every day.

24 February 2015 - ScienceDaily - Patients with mental illness less likely to receive diet, exercise advice

Many patients with mental illness, even those at high risk for diabetes and other diseases, are not being counseled by health care providers to exercise or eat healthy, a recent studied has found.

23 February 2015 - ScienceDaily - Vitamin D deficiency linked more closely to diabetes than obesity

People who have low levels of vitamin D are more likely to have diabetes, regardless of how much they weigh, according to a new study.

21 February 2015 - MIA - “Transformational” Breakthroughs In Our Understandings of Nutrition and Brain Health

"We live in a transformational moment for understanding the etiology of mental disorders," stated a team of researchers led by MIA Blogger Bonnie Kaplan of the University of Calgary publishing in Clinical Psychological Science.

Want pizza, chocolate, French fries? Highly processed foods linked to addictive eating

A new study confirms what has long been suspected: highly processed foods like chocolate, pizza and French fries are among the most addictive.

Women with MS may 'have lower levels of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory nutrients'

A new study finds that, compared with healthy individuals, women with multiple sclerosis may have lower intake of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients, including food folate, vitamin E and magnesium.

20 February 2015 - Foodnavigator - WHO unveils nutrient profiling to restrict marketing to kids

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has unveiled its nutrient profiling tool to restrict the marketing of unhealthy foods and drinks to children.

19 February 2015 - NewsWise - Diet Quality Declines Worldwide, but with Major Differences Across Countries

Data intended to inform dietary policies directed at reducing chronic disease, obesity rates