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1301 to 1320 of 2988 News results (date descending)

1 October 2018 - Science Daily - Mediterranean diet prevents a leading cause of blindness, study suggests

Date: 01/10/2018

Evidence is mounting that a poor diet plays an important role in the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness in the United States.

Crime and nourishment – the link between food and offending behaviour

Date: 28/09/2018

It is well known that eating a balanced diet is of vital importance for maintaining good health and well-being. It is also one of the great social pleasures of life. Yet, far too many young people in prisons are consuming a poor diet, lacking in nutrition.

25 September 2018 - MedicalXpress - Evidence that increased BMI causes lower mental wellbeing

Date: 28/09/2018

There is an increasing need to prevent obesity because of the consequences for mental as well as physical health, new research by academics at the University of Bristol has found.

Plant-rich (Mediterranean-type) diets may help prevent depression – new evidence

Date: 26/09/2018

Being depressed can negatively affect your appetite and what you eat, but can bad eating habits bring your mood down? Our latest study, a systematic review of the best available evidence, found a clear link between the quality of a person’s diet and their risk of depression.

BBC - Mediterranean diet 'may help prevent depression'

Date: 26/09/2018

Eating a Mediterranean diet may help prevent depression, research suggests. But an expert in metabolic medicine says more rigorous, targeted trials are needed to confirm evidence of the potential link.

26 September 2018 - MedicalXpress - Cocoa: A tasty source of vitamin D?

Date: 26/09/2018

Cocoa and foods containing cocoa have significant amounts of this important nutrient. According to the researchers, cocoa butter and dark chocolate have the highest amount of vitamin D2.

25 September 2018 - MedicalXpress - Does our environment affect the genes in our brains?

Date: 25/09/2018

Is there a link between differences in IQ test performance and the activity of certain genes? Researchers have shown that modifications in the structure of a specific gene have a negative impact on individual test performance. This suggests that environmentally induced epigenetic changes to our genetic material have a greater impact on intelligence than previously thought.

Omega-3 and vitamin B12 may improve autistic behaviours, Saudi study finds (in an animal study)

Date: 25/09/2018

The consumption of vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids - either in combination or independently - may alleviate autistic behaviours, according to new study.

25 September 2018 - Science Daily - Lifestyle intervention may mitigate weight gain due to ubiquitous contaminant

Date: 25/09/2018

A new study finds that perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) - included in such items as nonstick cookware and greaseproof food packaging - are associated with increases in weight, but exercise and diet may reduce the obesogenic effects of these environmental contaminants.

21 September 2018 - MedicalXpress - Are there health benefits to taking turmeric?

Date: 21/09/2018

A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows curcumin, an active ingredient in turmeric, effectively kills certain cancer cells. While research continues on the role turmeric plays in treating cancer, there may be other health benefits to ingesting the spice.

The Mother and Child Foundation - Prenatal nutrition: of paramount importance

Date: 21/09/2018

In a population of 296 mothers the red cell composition for a fatty acid – oleic acid – predicted with a confidence of 93% preterm delivery at 34 weeks and a confidence of 85% at 30 weeks. Hence this marker is also predicting risk.

21 September 2018 - Science Daily - Breast milk may be best for premature babies' brain development

Date: 21/09/2018

Babies born before their due date show better brain development when fed breast milk rather than formula.

21 September 2018 - Futurity - Brain-Gut Link May Be Way Faster Than We Thought

Date: 21/09/2018

New research with mice may upend our understanding of the connection between the gut-brain axis, as well as appetite.

Quitting junk food produces similar withdrawal-type symptoms as drug addiction

Date: 20/09/2018

Trying to give up junk food can result in similar withdrawal-type symptoms to those of addicts attempting to quit using drugs. A new study evaluates the withdrawal symptoms people experience when giving up highly processed foods such as pastries, chips and pizza.

Fish-rich diets may boost babies' brain development

Date: 20/09/2018

Women could enhance the development of their unborn child's eyesight and brain function by regularly eating fatty fish during pregnancy. New research supports previous findings that show how important a prospective mother's diet and lifestyle choices are for the development of her baby.

Ban on sale of energy drinks to children

Date: 19/09/2018

“Not recommended for children.” This is the warning on every can of energy drink sold in the UK that contains 150 mg or more of caffeine per litre. But when should a product warning turn into legislation? That’s the debate currently taking place after recent government proposals to ban the sale of caffeinated energy drinks to children and young people in England.

19 September 2018 - Health News Review - Your kitchen could hurt you, save you, or make your children overweight

Date: 19/09/2018

Find an observational study touching on a lifestyle choice or widespread health concern… take the associations found in the study and erroneously present them with cause-and-effect language… finally, make matters worse by de-emphasizing caveats and limitations but emphasizing clickbait headlines, thereby leading readers down the path to misinformation...

19 September 2018 - MedicalXpress - High gluten diet in pregnancy linked to increased risk of diabetes in children

Date: 19/09/2018

A high gluten intake by mothers during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of their child developing type 1 diabetes, suggests a new study. However, the researchers say that further studies are needed to confirm or rule out these findings before any changes to dietary recommendations could be justified.

18 September 2018 - BBC - Pregnancy weight gain 'going unmeasured'

Date: 18/09/2018

Midwives are calling for official guidance on how much weight is healthy for women to put on during pregnancy. One in five women in the UK are obese when they start pregnancy, yet there is no national target for what constitutes normal pregnancy weight gain.

18 September 2018 - The Conversation - High levels of sugar in organic and children’s yogurts – new survey

Date: 18/09/2018

In a recent survey of yogurts sold in the UK, it was found that fewer than 10% had low sugar – almost none of which were the one marketed as children’s yogurts. It was also found that organic products, usually viewed as healthier options, contained some of the highest levels of sugar.