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681 to 700 of 2988 News results (date descending)

Visceral fat delivers signal to the brain that hurts cognition

Date: 03/03/2020

Excessive weight around our middle gives our brain's resident immune cells heavy exposure to a signal that turns them against us, setting in motion a crescendo of inflammation that damages cognition, scientists say.

Resolving bitter debate over low-cal sweeteners

Date: 03/03/2020

Sucralose linked to problematic metabolic and neural changes, when consumed along with a certain carbohydrate, while drinks with low-calorie sweeteners or sugar alone do not provoke the changes.

3 March 2020 - Science Daily - The origin of satiety: Brain cells that change shape after a meal

Date: 03/03/2020

Researchers reveal the mechanisms in our brains that lead to feelings of satiation after eating. They involve a series of reactions triggered by a rise in blood glucose levels.

Dietary compounds found to influence gut metabolites, buffering stress

Date: 03/03/2020

Prebiotics can improve sleep and boost stress resilience by influencing gut bacteria and the metabolites they produce - study.

28 February 2020 - MedicalXpress - Study: Mother's gut microbiota may shape metabolism of offspring

Date: 28/02/2020

In a mouse model, a mother's gut microbiota were seen to shape the metabolism of her offspring in later life.

Researchers confirm celiac disease can damage the brain

Date: 27/02/2020

People living with celiac disease (CD) have a higher risk of neurological damage according to a new study from the University of Sheffield.

Eating fruit during pregnancy boosts babies' brain development, new study confirms

Date: 27/02/2020

Pregnant women who eat more fruit during pregnancy may be giving their babies' cognitive development a boost, says this rat-based follow-up study.

Low fruit and vegetable intakes and higher body fat linked to anxiety disorders

Date: 27/02/2020

New research shows that adults who have low fruit and vegetable intakes have a higher likelihood of being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

Antioxidant precursor molecule could improve brain function in patients with multiple sclerosis

Date: 26/02/2020

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a naturally occurring molecule that replenishes antioxidants and shows improved brain metabolism and self-reported improvements in cognitive function in patients with multiple sclerosis, according to a new study.

Chronic inflammation in pregnancy linked to childhood neurodevelopmental delays

Date: 25/02/2020

In pregnant women, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, depression and anxiety can increase the chances of learning delays, behavior problems and mental health issues in their children's early years.

Researchers find a western-style diet can impair brain function

Date: 19/02/2020

After a week on a high fat, high added sugar diet, volunteers scored worse on memory tests.

Maternal obesity linked to ADHD and behavioral problems in children, study suggests

Date: 19/02/2020

Maternal obesity may increase a child's risk for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to this new analysis.

Prenatal phthalate exposure associated with autistic traits in young boys

Date: 19/02/2020

Exposure in the womb to phthalates, a group of endocrine-disrupting chemicals present in cosmetics and other common household products, was associated with autistic traits in boys, ages 3 and 4, but not in girls, according to a new study.

World failing to provide children with a healthy life and a climate fit for their future: WHO-UNICEF-Lancet

Date: 19/02/2020

A landmark Commission report convened by WHO, UNICEF and The Lancet has found the health and future of every child and adolescent worldwide is under immediate threat from ecological degradation, climate change and exploitative marketing practices that push fast food, sugary drinks, alcohol and tobacco at children.

18 February 2020 - MedicalXpress - Low folate levels can indicate malnutrition in hospital patients

Date: 18/02/2020

About 10% of patients who come to complex care hospitals may have low levels of folate and other indicators of malnutrition, investigators say.

Biomarker for Parkinson's disease may originate in the gut

Date: 18/02/2020

Mouse-based study suggests protein aggregates responsible for Parkinson's disease can travel up from the gut to affect neurons in the brain, but the process depends on age.

Memory games: Eating well to remember

Date: 18/02/2020

Study finds strong links between certain food groups, memory loss and comorbid heart disease or diabetes.

Mediterranean diet increases gut bacteria linked to healthy ageing in older adults

Date: 18/02/2020

Study study finds that eating a Mediterranean diet causes microbiome changes linked to improvements in cognitive function and memory, immunity and bone strength.

17 February 2020 - Nutraingredients - Poop-eating lab mice affect probiotic research outcomes, says study

Date: 17/02/2020

Researchers have studied a key difference between the microbiome of lab mice and humans caused by rodents' tendency to eat their own faeces, which they say could have wide-ranging implications to numerous research areas.

How ultra-processed food took over your shopping basket

Date: 13/02/2020

What characterises ultra-processed foods is that they are so altered that it can be hard to recognise the underlying ingredients. These are concoctions of concoctions, engineered from ingredients that are already highly refined, such as cheap vegetable oils, flours, whey proteins and sugars, which are then whipped up into something more appetising with the help of industrial additives such as emulsifiers.