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901 to 920 of 2988 News results (date descending)

Poor diet causes blindness in a young 'fussy eater'

Date: 03/09/2019

A poor diet caused a young patient's blindness, according to a case report published in Annals of Internal Medicine.

3 September 2019 - MedicalXpress - Vitamin D: How much is too much of a good thing?

Date: 03/09/2019

Research suggests there is no benefit in taking high doses of vitamin D

Bristol teenager loses sight and hearing due to processed food diet

Date: 03/09/2019

Sad case of 19 year old 'fussy eater' highlights hidden dangers of poor nutrition.

3 September 2019 - MedicalXpress - Diet's effect on gut bacteria could play role in reducing Alzheimer's risk

Date: 03/09/2019

Following a certain type of diet could affect the gut microbiome in ways that decrease the risk of Alzheimer's disease - new study.

3 September 2019 - The Guardian - Soft drinks, including sugar-free, linked to increased risk of early death

Date: 03/09/2019

People who regularly consume soft drinks have a higher risk of an early death, researchers have found, with the trend seen for both sugared and artificially sweetened drinks.

3 September 2019 - MedicalXpress - Scientists link 'hunger hormone' to memory in Alzheimer's study

Date: 03/09/2019

Resistance to the 'hunger hormone' ghrelin in the brain is linked to the cognitive impairments and memory loss associated with Alzheimer's disease - study

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)

Date: 03/09/2019

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is a new diagnosis in the DSM-5, and was previously referred to as “Selective Eating Disorder.”

3 September 2019 - MedicalXpress - New insights: Dementia, risk, risk reduction, and translation into practice

Date: 03/09/2019

Depression, obesity and hypertension are amongst the exacerbating factors for dementia - evidence from studies worldwide.

29 August 2019 - Nutraingredients - New gut-brain connection discovery helps explain overeating

Date: 29/08/2019

A previously unknown gut-brain connection revealed in mice could help explain why humans continue eating and gain weight.

Suggested move to plant-based diets risks worsening brain health nutrient deficiency

Date: 29/08/2019

The pressure to move to plant-based and vegan diets for the good of the planet has several nutritional drawbacks. This article looks at how it will worse the already-low intake of essential nutrient choline, involved in brain health.

Study links low vitamin D levels in young kids to aggression in adolescents

Date: 29/08/2019

New study suggests vitamin D deficiency might lead to aggressive behavior in adolescents.

28 August 2019 - The Conversation - Why a glass of red wine is good for your gut

Date: 28/08/2019

Kings College team state: "Our new research also adds support to the idea that a small glass of red wine a day might actually be beneficial to your health – specifically to your gut bacteria."

Could we be overlooking a potential choline crisis in the United Kingdom?

Date: 28/08/2019

The risk of choline inadequacies, either due to low habitual intake or gene polymorphisms, is particularly concerning at key stages of the life cycle such as pregnancy and lactation.

Recent study devises “omega-3 calculator” to help researcher determine proper EPA and DHA doses

Date: 28/08/2019

Researchers' model equation might make it possible to determine how much omega-3 EPA and DHA is needed to elevate the omega-3 index to the desired level.

Excess body fat increases the risk of depression

Date: 27/08/2019

The more fat we carry, the greater the probability of developing depression, new research concludes.

'High-fat' diet in utero protects against Alzheimer's later, study shows in mice

Date: 27/08/2019

A high-fat diet in mothers-to-be may reduce chances of Alzheimer's disease in their children.

High fat 'fast food' diet during pregnancy slows learning in offspring, rat study suggests

Date: 27/08/2019

In a rat-based study, pregnant individuals fed a high fat diet had offspring with unhealthy brain development and metabolism.

26 August 2019 - Science Daily - From cradle to grave: Postnatal overnutrition linked to aging

Date: 26/08/2019

Researchers have found a new answer to an old question: how can overnutrition during infancy lead to long-lasting health problems such as diabetes?

23 August 2019 - MedicalXpress - Probiotic helps breast-fed babies beat antibiotic-resistant germs, study says

Date: 23/08/2019

It's possible to dramatically reduce the number of antibiotic-resistant germs in breast-fed newborns' intestines by giving them a daily dose of probiotic for just three weeks during their first month of life.

23 August 2019 - MedicalXpress - Study shows frying oil consumption worsened colon cancer and colitis in mice

Date: 23/08/2019

For the first time, scientists set out to examine the impact of frying oil consumption on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and colon cancer, using animal models.