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The Ultimate Omega-3 Diet: Maximize the Power of Omega-3s to Supercharge Your Health, Battle Inflammation, and Keep Your Mind Sharp

Author: Evelyn Tribole

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The Ultimate Omega-3 Diet


Highly recommended reading starting with the basics of omega-3 fats, the role they play in the prevention of diseases to how you can optimise your diet by including omega-3 fats.

The amazing health benefits of omega-3 fats have been grabbing headlines all over the world, but rarely do you hear about how to properly incorporate this miraculous nutrient into your everyday life. The Ultimate Omega-3 Diet is the first book to provide a simple, step-by-step guide to getting the right amount of omega-3 fats while balancing your intake of less healthy omega-6 fats. The result: a reduced risk of stroke, allergies, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease and improved treatment of depression, asthma, arthritis, and other ailments.

With The Ultimate Omega-3 Diet, you will:

  • UNDERSTAND the building blocks of omega-3 and omega-6 fats and the science behind the harmful effects of excess omega-6s on your body
  • INCREASE your intake of ALA (short-chain) fats such as flax and canola oils, while also getting enough key EPA and DHA (long-chain) fats, including fatty fish
  • IDENTIFY and limit omega-6 fats, which lead to heart problems, mood disorders, inflammation disorders, cancer, and other ailments
  • CHOOSE the best omega-3 supplements - without wasting money on what you don't need
  • PREPARE easy, delicious snacks and meals and make the best choices when eating out
  • LEARN how a good supply of omega-3s during pregnancy can help guarantee health far into a child's life

Food labels, packaging, TV commercials, and magazine articles often give misleading information on omega-3s and "healthy" fats, and those popular low-carb, high-fat diets actually cancel out the good effects of omega-3 fats. With all this conflicting informaiton, it's easy to be overwhelmed when considering a healthy diet change. But living the omega-3 lifestyle doesn't have to be a confusing guessing game. The Ultimate Omega-3 Diet offers practical, easy-to-follow strategies for chaing your eating habits, including 40 delicious recipes for everything from pancakes to burritos to brownies, as well as vegetarian and kid-friendly choices.

Evelyn Tribole is an award-winning registered dietitian, with a nutrition counseling practice in Newport Beach, California. She has written seven books including the bestsellers Healthy Homestyle Cooking and Intuitive Eating (co-author). 

Evelyn was the nutrition expert for Good Morning America, appearing from 1994-'95 and was a national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association for 6 years. She was contributing editor for Shape magazine where her monthly column, Recipe Makeovers, appeared for 11 years.

She is often sought by the media for her nutritional expertise and has appeared on hundreds of interviews, including: CNN, Today Show, MSNBC, Fox News, USA Today, Wall St. Journal and People magazine.

Achievements and honors include, receiving the American Dietetic Association's Award for Excellence in Private Practice. Many national magazines have rated Evelyn as one of the best nutritionists in the country including: Self, Harper's Bazaar, and Redbook magazine.

Professional memberships include: the Am. Dietetic Assoc., International Society for Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids, the Celiac Disease Foundation, and the Academy for Eating Disorders.

Evelyn qualified for the Olympic Trials in the first ever women's marathon in 1984. Although she no longer competes, Evelyn runs for fun and is an avid skier and hiker. She also enjoys surfing, kayaking and white water rafting. Evelyn's favorite food is chocolate, when it can be savored slowly.

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