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Newsletter - How dietary fats influence pain - New evidence


Date: 2021

Dietary changes alone can significantly reduce migraine pain

For the millions of people who suffer from the disabling pain of migraine, the findings of a new clinical trial show dietary changes can reduce this. 

Results showed:

  1. Simply including more fish and seafood - rich in the long-chain omega-3 fats EPA and DHA - significantly reduced both the frequency and severity of headache pain and the number of days lost to migraine headaches.
  2. The benefits were even greater if patients also reduced their intake of vegetable oils, and other foods rich in omega-6 fats, such as meat and dairy products.

These results support earlier clinical trial findings by the same researchers that increasing dietary omega-3 and reducing omega-6 can reduce chronic daily headache pain.  

They are also in keeping with other new evidence confirming that the type and balance of fats found in typical western-type diets increases sensitivity to both pain and inflammation.

This is because Western diets have such a low dietary omega-3 / omega-6 ratio

By contrast, traditional 'Mediterranean-type' diets - well-known for their health benefits - have a higher omega-3 / omega-6 ratio, as they contain fish and seafood (providing omega-3 EPA/DHA, which have anti-inflammatory, pain-reducing effects) and far fewer omega-6 fats than modern western-type diets.

All vegetable oils - and therefore almost all processed foods with any fat – contain the short-chain omega-6 fat, linoleic acid.  So factory-made cakes and desserts, biscuits, ice-creams, crisps and other snacks, fried foods, takeaways, and most 'ready meals', salad dressings and sauces all provide omega-6 fats – which in excess promote both inflammation and pain sensitivity.

Omega-6 fats are also found in all nuts, seeds and whole grains; and in meat and dairy products. Importantly, however, there is no evidence that fresh, unprocessed versions of these foods - in moderation - are a problem.

Instead, the issue is the 'ultra-processed', industrially mass-produced foods that now make up such a large proportion of most modern, western-type diets - especially in the UK and US. 

These foods are strongly implicated in raising risks for obesity and diabetes, heart disease, allergic and immune disorders, and most other chronic diseases.

Their unhealthy fat profile is now also shown to be a major cause of chronic pain. 

See also:

For details of the research study itself - and its clinical implications - see:

And for another new study that confirms the effects of dietary imbalances of omega-3 vs omega-6 fats on pain, see:

And for more information on the links between diet and pain, see:

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