Food and Behaviour Research

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2 July 2013 - Eating Healthy Fats During Pregnancy Linked to Decreased Autism Rates; Omega-3 Fatty Acid Beneficial Until Threshold

By Chris Weller - Medical Daily

Healthy fats, which can be found in fish, seeds, nuts, and vegetable oils, may reduce a woman's risk of having a child with autism.

Published in the Journal of American Epidemiology by the Harvard School for Public Health, the study examined maternal intake of certain fatty acids across mothers whose children have autism and those whose do not. The study found that women who consumed linoleic acid — a type of omega-6 acid found in vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds — were 34 percent less likely to birth a child with autism, while women who consumed low levels of omega-3 fatty acids — those found in fish — were 53 percent more likely.