Professor Jason Halford is a chartered Health Psychologist and currently the Convernor of the Liverpool Obesity Research Network - LORN. He is also Chair Elect of the UK Association for the Study of Obesity - ASO (, Europe's largest and the World's oldest National Obesity Science organisation.
He performed his undergraduate and postgraduate work in Leeds with Professor John Blundell in the late 1980s and early 1990s. His research then focused on the role of serotonin in satiety and the use of feeding behaviour to screen anti-obesity drugs. Some of this included early work on sibutramine. He has been involved in the behavioural assessment of potential anti-obesity drugs in pre-clinical models and humans ever since, including recent work on Rimonabant.
Over the past 10 years his research has focused on drug induced weight gain, the effects of nutrients and fibre on appetite and hormone release, the effects of stress on eating behaviour, and on lean obese differences in the expression of appetite. More recently, his research has focused on the effects of branding and food promotion on children's food preferences and diet.
He is currently a reader in appetite and obesity at the University of Liverpool and Director of the Human Ingestive Behaviour laboratory.
1. Blundell JE, Halford JCG (1994) Regulation of nutrient supply: the brain and appetite control. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 53 (2): 407-18
2. Blundell JE, Halford JCG (1995) Pharmacological aspects of obesity treatment: Towards the 21st century. International Journal of Obesity 19(S3): 51-5.
3. Blundell JE, Lawton CL, Halford JCG (1995) Serotonin, eating behaviour and fat intake. Obesity Research 3(4): 471-6.
4. Halford JCG, Blundell JE (1996) The 5-HT1B receptor agonist CP-94,253 reduces food intake and preserves the behavioural satiety sequence. Physiology and Behavior 60: 933-939.
5. Halford, JCG, Blundell JE (1996) Metergoline antagonizes fluoxetine-induced suppression of food intake but not changes in the behavioural satiety sequence. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 54: 745-751.
6. Halford JCG, Lawton CL, Blundell JE (1997) The 5-HT2C receptor agonist MK-212 reduces food intake but disrupts the satiety sequence. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 56: 41-46.
7. Rolls BJ, Castellanos VH, Halford JCG, Kilara A, Panyam D, Pelkman, Smith GP, Thorwart M. (1998) Volume of food consumed affects satiety in men. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 67: 1170-77.
8. Halford JCG, Wanninayake SCD, Blundell JE (1998) Behavioural satiety sequence (BSS) for the diagnosis of drug action on food intake. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 61(2): 159-168.
9. Blundell JE, Halford JCG (1998) Serotonin and appetite regulation: Implications for the treatment of Obesity. CNS Drugs 9 (6): 473-495.
10. Rodgers RJ, Halford JCG, Nunes de Souza RL, Canto de Souza AL, Piper DC, Arch JRS, Blundell JE. (2000). Dose response effect of orexin-A on food intake and the behavioural satiety sequence in rats. Regulatory Peptides 96: 71-84.
11. Lattimore PJ, Thompson GM, Halford JCG (2000). Developmental onset eating related colour-naming interference: The role of restraint and eating psychopathology. International Journal of Eating Disorders 28: 27-32.
12. Halford JCG, Blundell JE (2000) Differing roles for serotonin and leptin in appetite regulation. Annals of Medicine 32: 222-232.
13. Goodson S, Halford JCG, Jackson HC, Blundell JE. (2001) Paradoxical effects of a high sucrose diet: high-energy intake and reduced body weight gain. Appetite. 37: 253-254
14. Halford JCG. (2001) Pharmacology of Appetite suppression: Implications for the treatment of Obesity. Current Drug Targets 2: 353-70.
15. RJ Rodgers, JCG Halford, RL Nunes de Souza, AL Canto de Souza, DC Piper, JRS Arch, N Upton, RA Porter, A Johns and JE Blundell (2001) SB-334867, a selective orexin-1 receptor antagonist, enhances behavioural satiety and blocks the hyperphagic effect of orexin-A in rats. European Journal of Neuroscience 13: 1444-52.
16. Blundell JE, Goodson S, Halford JCG. (2001) Regulation of appetite: Leptin and signalling systems for drive and satiety. International Journal of Obesity. 25 (s1): s29-34.
17. Goudie AJ, Smith JA, Halford JCG (2002) Characterisation of olanzapine induced weight gain in rats. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 10 (4): 291-6.
18. Rodgers RJ, Ishii Y, Halford JCG, Blundell JE (2002) Orexins and appetite regulation. Neuropeptides. 36(5): 303-26.
19. Halford JCG, Gillett A. (2002) Laboratory measurement of and the mechanisms involved in the regulation of short-term appetite in humans. Obesity in Practice. 4(1): 11-15.
20. Ishii Y, Blundell JE, Halford, Rodgers JR (2003) Effects of systematic variation in presentation and fasting on the behavioural satiety sequence in male rats. Physiology and Behavior, 79: 227-38
21. Cole J, Smith R, Halford JCG, Wagstaff GF (2003) Anabolic-androgenic steroid use is associated with the symptoms of reverse anorexia in both current and ex-users. Psychopharmacology 166: 424-9.
22. Halford JCG, Cooper GD, Dovey TM, Ishii Y, Rodgers RJ, Blundell JCG (2003) Pharmacological Approaches to Obesity treatment, Current Medical Chemistry. Central Nervous System Agents, 3, 283-310
23. Lattimore PJ, Halford JCG (2003) Adolescence and diet-dieting disparity: Healthy food choice or risky health behaviour? British Journal of Health Psychology, 8 (4), 451-64.
24. Ishii Y, Blundell JE, Halford JCG, Rodgers JR (2003) Palatability, food intake and the behavioural satiety sequence in male rats. Physiology and Behavior. 80, 37-47.
25. Halford JCG, Gillespie J, Brown V, Pontin EE, Dovey TM (2004) The effect of television (TV) food advertisements / commercials on food consumption in children. Appetite, 42 (2): 221-225.
26. Halford JCG (2004) Pharmacology of Weight Regulation Special Edition. Guest Editor Introduction. Current Drug Targets, 5 (3) i.-iii.
27. Halford, JCG, Dovey TM, Cooper GD (2004) Pharmacology of human appetite expression. Current Drug Targets, 5 (3) 221-240.
28. Ishii Y, Blundell JE, Halford JCG, Upton N, Porter R, Johns, Rodgers RJ (2004) Differential effects of the selective orexin-1 receptor antagonist SB-334867 and lithium chloride on the behavioural satiety sequence and bodyweight gain in rats. Physiology and Behavior. Physiology and Behaviour. 81, 129-140..
29. Dewan S, Gillett A, Mugarza JA, Dovey TM, Halford JCG, Wilding JPH (2004) Effects of insulin-induced hypoglycaemia on energy intake and food choice at a subsequent test meal. Diabetes and Metabolism Research and Reviews. 24, 405-410.
30. Halford, JCG (2004) Clinical Pharmacotherapy for Obesity: Current drugs and those in advanced development. Current Drug Targets, 5, 637-46.
31. Goudie AJ, Cooper GD, Halford JCG (2004). Antipsychotic-induced weight gain. Obesity Reviews. In press.
32. Ishii Y, JE Blundell, JCG. Halford, N Upton, R Porter, A Johns, P Jeffrey, S Summerfield, R Rodgers (2004). Anorexia and weight loss in male rats 24h following single dose treatment with orexin-1 receptor antagonist SB-334867. Behaviour Brain Research. 157: 331-341.
33. Halford JCG (2005). Pharmacotherapy for obesity. Appetite. In press.
34. Halford JCG, Lawton CL, Blundell JE (2005). Serotoninergic drugs and obesity. Current Drug Targets in Press
35. Ishii Y, Blundell JE, Halford JCG, Upton N, Porter R, Johns A, Rodgers (2004) Behavioural selectivity of SB-334867-induced anorexia in rats: influence of test context and profile comparison with CCK-8S. Behaviour Brain Research. In press.
Professor Jason C G Halford
BSc PhD C.Psychol. AFBPS
Main Interests
Professor of Biological Psychology & Health Behaviours
Areas of expertise: Appetite, Eating Behaviour, Obesity, Food Insecurity, Inequalities in health, Stigma and treatment outcomes, Access to treatment, Links between physical and mental health.
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