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18 July 2012 - The History of Omega-3 Research - an interview with Dr William Lands


If you would like to find out how to arrange testing in the UK to find out your own omega-3 to omega-6 balance and what you can do about it, then FAB Research may be able to help. Email for more information.

'Nix the six and eat the three'

That is the essential dietary advice of Dr. William Lands. Most of us consume a diet that contains too much omega-6 fatty acids. We need to eat less of those foods and consume more foods rich in omega-3. This simple yet profound advice is critical for everyone who wants to have better health. Dr. Lands explains the background of omega-3 research and why the omega fatty balance is so important to human health.

Changing the omega fatty acid balance is foundational to better health. Most especially for anyone with inflammatory issues. Dr. Lands has developed a simple home test for measuring your omega fatty acid status. This test details your omega fatty acid profile and reveals how your scores compare with other populations around the world. This omega profile is one way to measure health and disease risk.  Once you know your test results then you can adjust your fatty acid intake to achieve better health.

About Dr William Lands

WILLIAM E. M. (BILL) LANDS was Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Michigan (1955-1980) and the University of Illinois (1980-1991) where he studied the metabolism of fats, phospholipids, and prostaglandins.  He authored over 250 papers and the book, Fish, Omega-3 and Human Health, 2nd Edition, updated in 2005 from the 1985, Fish and Human Health.  One of the world’s 1000 most cited scientists in 1965-1978. After retiring from university teaching, he directed the basic research program at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (1990-1997) and served as Senior Scientific Advisor to the Director (1997-2002).