Diet for Children’s Mood, Behaviour and Learning

Why Nutrition and Diet Matter

Food and diet can affect children's mood, behaviour and ability to learn

Five expert webinars

  1. Feeding Better Mood, Behaviour, Learning & Sleep
  2. Selective or 'fussy' eating - a masterclass
  3. The Role of Food and Diet in ADHD
  4. Autism Spectrum Disorders: Dietary Approaches
  5. Nutrition for ADHD and Neurodiverse Minds

This special collection of five expert webinars from Food And Behaviour (FAB) Research is aimed at helping parents & carers, teachers and other professionals working with children and adolescents with or without conditions like ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia or the Autism Spectrum.

Learn practical, evidence-based strategies, tactics and tips to help improve children's food choices.

This special package includes unlimited, on-demand access to the full video recordings of five FAB webinars (each including presentations, Q&A and discussion), featuring expert speakers including:

  • Dr Rachel Gow, Nutritional Neuroscientist, Neuropsychologist, Reg Nutritionist, Public Speaker and Author,
  • David Rex, Dietician, NHS Highlands
  • Dr Alex Richardson, world-renowned researcher, educator, speaker and published author; and Founder Director of the UK-based charity, Food and Behaviour (FAB) Research.

Handouts of both the presentation slides and additional supporting information on the topics covered, and questions asked, are included for each event.

Downloadable resources

Along with the five expert webinars are some of our most helpful and informative handouts on Child Behaviour and Learning.

Included in this FAB for parents package

Feeding Better Mood, Behaviour, Learning & Sleep

with David Rex, RD and Dr Alex Richardson

Looking at the scientific evidence supporting how diet can influence both physical and mental health. This webinar is a good starting point to get some understanding behind food and behaviour and how getting the diet right for your child may help to improve frame of mind and the ability to be calm and more relaxed.

We all know anecdotally that diet can influence behaviour

Here you can learn what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to practical ways in which parents, teachers, healthcare professionals and policy makers can help to improve children’s ability to make healthier food choices.

Selective or 'fussy' eating
- a masterclass

with David Rex, RD and Dr Alex Richardson

When it comes to fussy eating, David Rex provides clear and practical guidance and tips on how to best influence children’s food choices in a positive way. Looking at influencing factors which determine why children eat the way they do, and ways to challenge this with positive outcomes.

Getting off the rollercoaster

David also addresses the benefits of eating at regular intervals to avoid blood glucose levels dropping too far and thus causing emotions such as ‘hanger’. How food is ‘processed’, why this is an issue and what we can do about it and what ‘varied’ eating actually means.

The Role of Food and Diet in ADHD

with Dr Alex Richardson

You will learn some simple diet and lifestyle changes that clinical trials have shown can improve ‘core’ ADHD symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
Other evidence-based strategies and tactics for reducing stress, anxiety and ‘meltdowns’ – and improving mood and sleep – for both you and your child!

Nutrition matters

Despite all the evidence, nutrition and diet are still largely ignored in standard clinical practice for the diagnosis or management of ADHD or other child behaviour and learning difficulties. But given the right information, parents, teachers and healthcare professionals can help to improve almost any child’s diet and eating habits to help them maximise their potential.

Autism Spectrum Disorders:
Dietary Approaches

with Dr Alex Richardson

Behaviour, mood and learning all depend on the health and development of the brain and nervous system.

This helps to explain why many physical health problems - particularly allergies and immune disorders, and some gastro-intestinal conditions - are unusually common in children and adults with ASD and related behavioural conditions.

It also helps to explain why, and how, nutrition and diet can play an important role in the prevention and management of both physical and mental health symptoms.

Practical advice to improve diet

Dr Richardson discusses practical and effective ways to improve diet and nutrition in children and adults with ASD and related difficulties with mood, behaviour or learning -at home, in schools and in the workplace.

Nutrition for ADHD

and Neurodiverse Minds

with Dr Rachel Gow, RNutr and Dr Alex Richardson

You will learn about the role of specific nutrients essential for brain health (but often lacking from modern diets), and how these work at molecular and cellular levels to help modulate attention and concentration, regulate mood, and influence behaviour and learning - with a focus on symptoms of ADHD and related conditions, including depression, anxiety and sleep problems.

This webinar also summarises for you the latest scientific evidence on the role of food and diet in ADHD and other commonly co-occurring conditions: 

  • Dyslexia, Dyspraxia (Developmental Coordination Disorder), Autistic Spectrum Disorders and other behaviour and learning difficulties usually first evident in childhood
  • Anxiety, Depression, and other mental health issues that may manifest only in adolescence or adulthood.

Special Offer – Save 50%

*Webinars are normally priced £20 each

Access these 5 webinars and their accompanying handouts for the special price £49.99

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All proceeds from this will go to Food And Behaviour (FAB) Research to support its work.

Registered Charity No: SC034604, Company No: SC 253448.

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By joining us as an Associate, you will also be helping us to continue and extend the work we do as a small, independent, researcher-led charity.

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