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Can Omega-3 help children’s mood, attention, behaviour or sleep?
The aim is to find out if supplementing children with long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA (from fish oils) can help children who have difficulties with mood, behaviour and/or attention to feel better, behave better, and learn better.
We are looking for Children aged between 6 and 12 to join our trial to find out if supplementing with omega-3 could help with;
No formal diagnoses are needed to take part
Previous studies of omega-3 have already shown benefits for children with one or more of the following kinds of difficulties:
Preliminary evidence also shows that supplementing these omega-3 may improve:
"Wow... is all we can say... if my son has been given the placebo we'd be very surprised as we've seen such a change in his behaviour, he's still very hyper but we've seen a huge change his concentration and focus span, his teachers and family members have all commented on the difference in him."
- Parent Feedback
Research completed at home
All measures can be completed ONLINE and supplements are delivered by post, so no travel is required.
The study is open to children living anywhere on the UK mainland
It is open to children who have at least some difficulties in one or more of the areas described above, and who are:
If you’d like more information, please register your interest below and we'll be in touch.
Who is doing the study?
This has been made possible by a collaboration between FAB Research and researchers at Swansea University's Dept of Psychology and is independently funded by the UK charity, The Waterloo Foundation.
All three of these organisations have a strong and long-standing interest in the links between diet and children’s behaviour and want to see more scientific evidence put into real world practice.
"Thank you so much, we've certainly noticed an improvement in him. We're so grateful to have been given the opportunity to participate, he really enjoyed taking part."
- Parent Feedback
We are still recruiting participants
Please help us if you can by simply sharing details of this new study with parents, teachers, psychologists, GPs, social workers - or anyone else you may know who has – or who works with - children aged 6-12 years who have any difficulties with behaviour, mood, learning or sleep.
Would you like to know more about this study?
Provide your details below and we shall send you an email telling you how to register for the study.
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