Dr Emma Derbyshire is a nutrition expert, an established scientist, an award-winning science writer and presenter. She has experience of working in academic, research and consultancy and media broadcasting settings including radio and television.
Emma has written 200+ peer-reviewed nutrition publications and authored the successful Wiley-Blackwell text “Nutrition in the Childbearing Years” which sold internationally. Her recently published new book by Jessica Kingsley Publishers is entitled “Nutrition for ADHD and Dyslexia – Unlocking the Potential for Learning and Wellbeing”.
She has expertise across a range of nutrition fields including maternal nutrition, neurodiversity, functional foods, immunonutrition and shifting nutrition trends.
Derbyshire (2025) Nutrition for ADHD and Dyslexia – Unlocking the Potential for Learning and Wellbeing. Soon to be published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers (Hodder & Stoughton Ltd)
Obeid, R, Schon C, Jiang X, Mellot T, Derbyshire E, Blusztajn K & Zeisel S (2024) Maternal choline intake during pregnancy and lactation and liver function of the fetus and the infant; implications for research, policy and practice. Nutrients 16(2): 260.
Derbyshire EJ & Maes M (2023) The Role of Choline in Neurodevelopmental Disorders—A Narrative Review Focusing on ASC, ADHD and Dyslexia. Nutrients 15(3): 2876.
Obeid R, Derbyshire E, Schön C (2022) Association of maternal choline supply and foetal brain development and child neurocognition; systematic review and meta-analysis of human studies. Adv Nutr 13(6):2445-2457.
D’Helft J, Caccialanza R, Derbyshire EJ (2022) Relevance of ω-6 GLA Added to ω-3 PUFAs Supplements for ADHD: A Narrative Review. Nutrients 14, 3273.
Derbyshire E, Obeid R & Schön C (2021) Habitual Choline Intakes Across the Childbearing Years: A Review. Nutrients 13(12): 4390.
Derbyshire EJ & Obeid R (2020) Choline, Neurological Development and Brain Function: A Systematic Review Focusing on the First 1000 Days. Nutrients Journal 12(6), 1731.
Caudill MA, Obeid R & Derbyshire E (2020) Building better babies: should choline supplementation be recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers? Literature overview and expert panel consensus. European Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2(3): 149-61.
Derbyshire EJ (2019) Could we be Overlooking a Potential Choline Crisis in the United Kingdom. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health 1–4.
Dr Emma Derbyshire speaking at a recent FAB webinar, Choline - A Neglected Nutrient Vital for Healthy Brains
Dr Emma Derbyshire, PhD
Founder and CEO of Nutritional Insight
Main Interests
Dr Derbyshire has a degree in Nutritional Biochemistry, PhD in Human Nutrition specialising in Maternal Nutrition and is a Registered Public Health Nutritionist.
A reader-friendly guide to the role of nutrition in ADHD and dyslexia by Dr Emma Derbyshire:
See FAB's recent webinar(s) with Dr Emma Derbyshire
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