Children’s Food and Mood - Part One

How to ensure what children get from their diet is what they need

Poor food choices and eating habits can affect the mood and behaviour of any child - but they are particularly common problems for children with ADHD, Autism or related behaviour and learning difficulties - including eating disorders (whether or not any of these conditions are formally identified).

You will learn

  • How a healthy, well-balanced diet helps to regulate mood and support mental resilience.
  • What such a diet can look like - and why individual differences matter.
  • What signs (behavioural or physical) might indicate that a child's difficulties could be diet related - whether these involve anxiety, attentional problems, mood swings, or temper tantrums 
  • Which behaviours are most likely to respond quickly to dietary changes, and which ones may take longer to show benefits.
  • How to encourage healthier food choices for "difficult eaters" - without falling into the trap of making food a battleground.
  • How sensory as well as psychological and other factors can influence childrens' food preferences - and the best strategies and tips to deal with these.
  • Ways to improve childrens' relationships with food to benefit their long-term health and wellbeing.

Specialist Dietitian David Rex has more than 20 years' experience of helping families with these and related issues clinically, as well as in education on healthy eating in schools.

The video recording of this FAB Research Live Webinar and Q&A event - together with downloadable handouts - is available FREE to FAB Associates (for other benefits of joining FAB as an Associate member - see HERE).

Alternatively, this - and other individual FAB Webinars - can be accessed for a small fee via our FAB Webinar Library

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David Rex, RD

Dietitian, Health & Social Care – Children’s Services, Highland Council

Dr Alex Richardson

DPhil (Oxon), PGCE, FRSA

Hazel De Maeijer

FAB Communications Officer and Volunteer Co-ordinator

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