Professor Crawford has been warning about the risk of a global mental health crisis fuelled by poor nutrition - for over fifty years. His predictions - based on sound scientific evidence - have proved all too accurate.
"It's been rammed down our throats that protein is important, but post World War II, research in nutrition has basically come from the animal industry and various agricultural interests.
Protein is not the issue. The issue is the brain - which requires our diets to provide the right balance of essential fats. Because the priority for Homo sapiens is brain growth, not body growth."
But how do we restore brain growth effectively and sustainably - and quickly?
Hear his compelling arguments on why the current worldwide decline in brain health was entirely predictable - and crucially, what we must do to reverse it.
The video recording of this FAB Research Live Webinar and Q&A event - together with downloadable handouts - is available FREE to FAB Associates (for other benefits of joining FAB as an Associate member - see HERE).
Alternatively, this - and other individual FAB Webinars - can be accessed for a small fee via our FAB Webinar Library.
Professor Michael A Crawford
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