Food Affects Behaviour 20+ Years of FAB Research - What next?

In the 20+ years since FAB was founded, huge advances in research - from biological, psychological and social science perspectives – have brought important new discoveries in these areas.

The Food And Behaviour (FAB) Research charity has been at the forefront of research into the links between nutrition and brain health for more than 20 years, with a particular focus on the effects of food and diet on:

  • Developmental conditions such as ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and the Autistic Spectrum
  • Mental health conditions, including Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia and Dementia, among many others, and
  • Everyday difficulties with behaviour, learning, memory, mood and wellbeing

As we approach the end of our 20th anniversary year, we are now launching our new monthly ‘FAB Focus’ meetings, exploring the many different ways in which Food Affects Behaviour, and the implications of this – and focusing on what can be done to improve both research and practice by integrating the many different disciplines, approaches and perspectives involved.

These sessions will add to our existing FAB webinars, providing in-depth but accessible information and resources on specific topics and areas you’ve identified as important to you, and allowing more time for your questions, discussion and input.

In this first introductory FAB Focus session, founder Dr Alex Richardson will give you an overview summary of FAB's history to date, highlighting key milestones in the field, and summarising the latest findings on the importance of diet for mental as well as physical health in:

  • Pregnancy and Early Life
  • ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism and related conditions
  • Depression and other Mood Disorders
  • Aggression and Antisocial Behaviour

The video recording of this FAB Research Live Webinar and Q&A event - together with downloadable handouts - is available FREE to FAB Associates (for other benefits of joining FAB as an Associate member - see HERE).

Alternatively, this - and other individual FAB Webinars - can be accessed for a small fee via our FAB Webinar Library

Watch now


Dr Alex Richardson

DPhil (Oxon), PGCE, FRSA

Dr Alex Richardson

Hazel De Maeijer, ANutr

FAB Communications Officer and Volunteer Co-ordinator

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